Our Story

Established in 2005, The Uncharted Studio is an environmentally conscious silk screening house and retail store located in Rincon, Puerto Rico. We pride ourselves on developing unique products that are not only eco-minded but also comfortable and stylish. We are a creative warehouse with original designs inspired by the ocean - both above and below the surface - and the beauty that surrounds it. Our brick and mortar shop houses an array of screen printed apparel and accessories, local artwork and more. 

When you wear a shirt, wash it, and wear it again you are slowly wearing out the contents of the shirt as well. Not just the materials that make up the fabric but also the ink and any chemicals used in the printing process of the shirt. These chemicals transfer not only to you but out into the water from your washing machine, slowly ending up in our oceans. Yikes! At The Uncharted Studio, we strive to offer the highest quality cotton based apparel. All our solvents used are non-chemical, soy and citrus based. In this way, keep an eco-mind in all our printing efforts. 

For wholesale collection inquiries, please reach out to us: contact@theunchartedstudio.com 

The Uncharted Studio
6 Calle Sol
Rincon, Puerto Rico 00677
(939) 697-8177